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The Best Parks for People with Disabilities Aren’t in Vancouver

May 21, 2021

CAN’s (LET’S’) Executive Director, Heather McCain, was quoted by The Tyee in their recent article about the need for more accessible parks.

From article:

“My first question when I’m working with a client is, accessibility to whom?” says Heather McCain, founder and executive director of Creating Accessible Neighbourhoods, an organization led primarily by disabled people that consults on services like accessibility audits.

McCain described their role as a “crip doula” — or someone “who helps disabled people navigate our complex systems, find support, build community.” They emphasize there is a broad spectrum of disabled experiences and that understanding is key to developing accessible spaces like public parks.

“Often there’s a focus on physical disabilities and mobility devices, but not enough for older adults, people who are deaf or blind, partially sighted, people who have cognitive disabilities,” McCain says.”

Photo Heather, with walker, on sidewalk.
Photo of Heather, with their walker, masked, on a sidewalk lined with trees. Photo by Christopher Cheung