CAN/LET’S has been working with PAN (Pacific Aids Network) on the Organizational Stigma Assessment Cycle Project (OSAC). They recently published Exploring the Language of Stigma Reduction on their website.
As PAN explains on their website: The push for this project came from community input over the past few years at the Stigma Reduction Deliberative Dialogue and Let’s Talk
Stigma Reduction. Identifying steps for action at the events, participants said it would be good to have a process for frontline services to see how their programs, procedures, policies or
service access might unintentionally be adding to peoples’ experiences of stigma and discrimination. This is where OSAC began.
We’ll be developing a learning cycle with a toolkit of resources to support organizations to see where stigma and discrimination might exist and to develop action plans and evaluation for change. The toolkit will include assessment tools and discussion models, and we’ll also be
supporting organizations to use the tools and interpret their results as they go through the learning cycle. PAN staff from multiple departments, people with lived experience, and
engaged community members form our Advisory group working together on the project. It is funded through the Vancouver Foundation as a pilot to test the learning cycle and share what we learn so it might eventually be scaled up to use more widely. Visit project page for more and PAN’s history of stigma reduction work.