United Way’s Period Promise campaign increases access to free menstrual products in communities so that everyone who menstruates can go to work, get to school, access services, and stay connected to their community.
LET’S was contacted by the Capacity Building Specialist of the campaign. They are speaking with a variety of organizations to make sure their work continually meets community needs. After conversing with a LET’S staff member, the campaign supplied LET’S with free reusable and disposable menstrual products to give out at our low sensory spaces. They are hoping to get some useful information on participants’ experiences using reusable menstrual products, with the goal that this data will inform future policy changes that address period poverty in BC, and ultimately help to better serve our communities.
(Illustrations of menstrual products, including calendar, pads, tampons, menstrual cup, underwear, and the pill.)
As more public policy gets written around access to menstrual products, the campaign hopes to better understand what impact reusable products can have as part of building long-term solutions. To this end, they are building a research concept in partnership with community organizations who offer support to those demographics that disproportionately experience period poverty in BC: people living with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, and families making less than $40,000 a year.
They are seeking potential partners to work with. LET’S is planning an event with them for the Spring. More information to come.