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Fortis BC Gender & Sexuality, Queer + Trans History Pride Month Workshop

June 27, 2024

LET’S is proud to have an ongoing relationship with Fortis BC. For the 3rd year, we provided Pride month workshops as part of Fortis’ employee engagement sessions.

This year, we were asked to tailor our Gender & Sexuality workshop to build upon what was learned last year. After discussions with staff at Fortis, we created a combo workshop that was half Gender & Sexuality and half about 2SLGBTQIA+ History. We did the second half in trivia form, which Harmony Bongat had introduced to us with her Queer + Trans History (BC and Canada) workshops. The first section built upon last year and the second section had the trivia. The format was a hit.

Both sessions this year were online. We enjoy delivering workshops for Fortis BC staff, who are a diverse team and have varying degrees of familiarity with gender and sexuality topics.

About Fortis: “Fortis BC delivers renewable energy, natural gas, electricity and propane to 1.2 million customers. They are the province’s largest energy provider and have been around for more than a century.”