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Accessible Housing Network Meeting

September 11, 2024

LET’S recently joined the Accessible Housing Network.

We are 1 of 73 member organizations joining in the campaign for accessible housing.

The Accessible Housing Network is a “collaboration of non-profit Canadian organizations, advocating in support of people of all ages to live as they wish, in housing that is fully accessible.

​Our mission is to ensure that, whatever their age or ability, every person in Canada can live in housing that is fully accessible. To this end, we call on every level of government to make universal design mandatory in every unit in all new multi-unit residential buildings.

​We invite individuals and other groups to support our campaign by contacting their elected representatives at all levels — municipal, provincial, and federal.”

(Person in wheelchair in front of residence

with an entrance with stairs.)

How you can help:

Click here to sign their Petition To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Here are 3 of their points:

  • It is urgent that 100% of units in all new multi-unit housing projects use universal design, to make up for decades of neglecting accessible housing;
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Ontario Human Rights Code prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability;
  • The ongoing practice of permitting inaccessible housing to be approved and financed is in direct contravention of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Ontario Human Rights Code