Earlier in the year, CAN (LET’S) delivered workshops for the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks.
They recently came back to CAN (LET’S) to ask us to deliver a condensed Disability Awareness workshop for a program called Locals.
Locals are small youth groups in various town in BC. They currently have 12 groups.
The workshop was delivered to the leaders of the groups. The content was disability awareness, including information about ableism, equity, and ensuring disabled participants feel that they belong and are able to participate and contribute in meaningful ways.
Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks
“The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (FBCYICN, or the Fed) is a youth-driven, peer-based, provincial non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people in and from care in BC between the ages of 14 and 28.
We were created by a group of young people in care who saw the need for more supports for their peers. That was in 1993, and today we still stay true to their vision. Our programs create a safe space for youth to come together, build connections, identify challenges and feel at home. Throughout the year we host youth retreats, provide bursaries for education and skills development, support youth with training and leadership opportunities and distribute resources and information to young people and their allies across the province.”