Gender & Sexuality

This workshop is about the rainbow alphabet: 2SLGBTQIA+ (2 Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, Plus).

We discuss the spectrum of gender and sexuality, intersecting identities, current language, and ways you can be an ally. Time allows for a Q&A.

No prior experience or knowledge is necessary. Our workshops are a comfortable place where you can ask questions even if you don’t know how to frame or ask the questions or if you aren’t sure you know the right words. This is an environment of learning together.

A terminology guide is included in the workshop as a handout.

Discussion include:

  • The effects of colonialization on gender
  • Gender + sexuality identities around the world
  • Social categorization
  • Gender dysphoria/euphoria
  • Misgendering and deadnaming
  • Pronouns
  • Rainbow alphabet letter by letter
  • Intersecting identities
  • De-gendering Language
  • What you can do moving forward


LET’S’ 2SLGBTQIA+ workshops are created, researched and facilitated by 2SLGBTQIA+ people.

Our lived expertise is vital to properly representing gender and sexuality identities.


Workshops can be customized and tailored in length.

Book by contacting us at or by phoning 778.723.5387


A tattoed couple kissing on a park bench.
A tattoed couple kissing on a park bench.

2SLGBTQIA+ Terminology Guide

This terminology guide is an attempt to help inform about the broad spectrum of how people express, live, and experience gender and sexuality.

Language is ever evolving. This has been proven with the ever increasing rainbow alphabet: 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic/agender, plus). This guide is a living document that will be updated as terms are created, rediscovered, and shared. Please let us know if there is terminology that needs to be added, updated, or which is outdated.

The terms within this guide are important to affirming, validating, and recognizing our various identities and experiences. However, not all people use labels, are comfortable with labels, or yet know what their labels are. Please be mindful that language preference is independent to the person. If you are unsure which terms to use, ask the person.